Lindsay writes about Local musicians performing on the Adult Twilight BYOB Cruises

Don’t Miss Out On Our 2019 Summer Musicians!

June 12, 2019

Finding out about a new experience is always exciting. Consider taking it to the next level with something you and your family and friends can enjoy together.  Don’t Miss Out On Our 2019 Summer Musicians!

After living in the Amelia Island area for years, it is only after I left that I learned about what an amazing music and arts scene Amelia has. My family, friends and I always just hit the beaches, rarely venturing downtown. Now don’t get me wrong, the beaches are beautiful; however, I recently discovered more about the area, including the experiences I missed out on and HAVE to get to word out!

To give you a little back story, three years ago, on my husband and my 7th anniversary, he decided to surprised me. I was so excited (seriously people, this never happens). Until I learned music was involved. Then I panicked. Little tidbit about me, I do not like crowds. So, attending a music concert made my anxiety skyrocket.

In my opinion, he enjoyed my panic for far too long. I mean, I was worried! Did the man know me at all?? Until finally he told me that the tickets were on Amelia River Cruises Adult Twilight BYOB Cruise. My relief was palpable. Being out on the water, listening to music, drinking some wine, watching the sunset… Yeah, he nailed it and the cruise did not disappoint. Hands down, it was my favorite experience while living in the south.

Now that I get to write blogs for Amelia River Cruises, I’m learning so much more about how their fun experiences are largely attributed to their amazing staff. They are a family made up of wonderful people and everyone welcomed on their cruise can feel that.

On top of their fantastic staff, Amelia River Cruises books some of the best bands and solo artist in the Jacksonville area to perform on their Adult Twilight BYOB Cruises. These musicians commonly play at much larger venues. It’s quite the experience getting to enjoy their music in such a beautiful setting.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be blogging about many of their upcoming musicians. From soul, to southern rock, to reggae, whatever music you enjoy, Amelia River Cruises has you covered. Make sure you keep an eye out for these articles and book your cruise if one (or many) catch your eye! But, if you see one you like, don’t wait around. These cruises book fast!

Once you make it on board, be sure to take plenty of photos and post them with #AmeliaRiverCruises –  So everyone who missed out can at least live vicariously through you!

Now on to the show!





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